Andrew Maynard: Too Fast to Handle

Colin Boyle '25
Mr. Andrew Maynard is an avid runner, published author, and, this fall, a new teacher at St. Christopher’s. With an extensive past in teaching Lower and Middle Schoolers, he is excited to join the St. Christopher’s community and teach at an Upper School level. Maynard also has a vast history in English and creative writing. He holds the title of a published author, saying, “I published a lot of personal essays and some short stories.” Mr. Maynard graduated from the University of Arizona and holds an MFA degree in creative writing from the University of San Francisco. He uses his degree to teach the senior elective, Writer’s Workshop, and a course in World Cultures Literature. He also serves as the faculty sponsor for The Hieroglyphic, which is an annual arts publication for St. Chris. 

He also loves to run and does Ultra Running, a particular type of running where the races are anything over the distance of a marathon. Some ultra races can span from 31 miles up to 200 miles long. Maynard also has experience teaching. He had worked as a teacher for many years before coming to St. Chris and even worked at a k-12 school much like our own. If you have any questions about Ultra Running or even getting work published, Mr. Maynard would be the first person to consult. With extensive knowledge in English and teaching, Mr. Maynard will be a perfect fit for the St. Christopher’s community. 