Library Begins New Chapter

Patteson Branch
“[My] colleagues” were  just talking about how much they just really enjoy this place and how great it is… so when a position came up, I was like, okay, let me give it a shot.”

Did Ms. Sheree Garrett forecast herself becoming an Upper School librarian at St. Christopher’s when she started a seven-year tenure of teaching junior kindergarten at Westhampton Day School? Probably not. Did she hope to have a passion of hers incorporated into her career? Probably. Ms. Garrett, our newest librarian in the Upper School, has a very unique path before arriving at STC. 
As previously mentioned, Ms. Garrett served as a JK teacher at Westhampton Day School until she was recommended by colleagues to transfer to St. Christopher’s. Ms. Garrett finally made the move after a seven-year stint at WDS, and is awaiting receiving her master's in education from a school librarianship program at Longwood University. However, she is no stranger to change. As a child, Ms. Garrett was the daughter of parents enlisted in the military, and as such traveled a lot. She spent nine years in Germany while her Mom was deployed overseas (from 1980-1989) and after that has bounced between D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.
In her personal life, Ms. Garrett enjoys reading and spending quality time with her family. She also hopes to get back into one of her past hobbies of running as a stress reliever. More specifically, Ms. Garrett enjoys being kept company by her pet dog and cat and loves seeing her niece and nephew who live close by. It was her nephew who actually inspired her to work with boys, hence one of the reasons she chose St. Christopher’s.